After testing and analyzing oodles of plugins, we’ve decided to save you a boatload of time, and share the three we think are best.
Calculated on the merits of usefulness, accessibility (learning curve), as well as being free (or at least freemium).
Simple Ads Manager is a great way to start a business around your website or blog. It is essential when you are looking for flexibility when serving ads. Using the Simple Ads Manager, you can control many factors of ad serving such as placement allocation, timing, and performance, which will allow you to give your advertisers more motive for placing ads on your website.
AAL is probably our most favorite plugin for monetization. After activation, AAL automatically searches for keywords in your website that it can link to affiliate offers through Amazon, Clickbank, and many others. Setup is extremely quick, simply input your affiliate credentials into the plugin settings page, and let it roll. This is a great way to monetize your website if you’re just starting out, or if you have a huge online presence.
3. Infolinks
Infolinks is one of the largest ad serving platforms in the world, next to Google Adsense. However, Infolinks also has an amazing plugin that can ramp up the way you monetize your sites. After activation, Infolinks crawls through your content and places ads on all relevant keywords that can be monetized. When users click or scroll over these, you receive revenue, based on the keywords and other factors, such as conversion. To get started, you can sign up for Infolinks here.
If you take the affiliate route in your monetization strategy, Thirstyaffiliates is the best plugin to shorten and manage affiliate links within your website. You can also use this plugin to categorize your links to stay better organized and track their performance.
Seamless Donations is a great plugin that helps you raise donations through your website. Its flexibility allows for you to set up multiple donations funds and allow for automatic monthly based donations while giving you a strong donor management platform to see who made donations.